Hero Club Podcast

In the city of mirrors, intrepid explorer, Sir Theobold Oaringcrof, collects a rag-tag team from across the globe in an effort to stack his hand for his latest expedition.

Intrepid explorer, Sir Theobald Daringcroft, collects a rag-tag team of specialists and rogues from across the globe in an effort to stack his hand for his latest expedition: to discover the long-lost City of Mirrors!

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Hank Blackstone & Big Charlie unravel mysteries and battle eldritch horrors in 1940s NYC in season: "It Never Sleeps" and "Paid Back In Shades".

Rain-Drenched Alleway conjures a dark and stormy night sleuthing in the streets of Manhattan, a danger lurking in every shadow.

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Produced by

George Pirmavera, Nick Williams, Dylan McCollum, Marty Abbe-Schneider and Jack Quaid